Thursday, May 27, 2010

Before and After

I always like to see what something looks like before a make-over, don't you? It's interesting to see how it looks after! In doing my own projects I usually forget to take a 'before' photo or else I think of it when I'm partially into it! I made a point to take these pics of projects in the condition I got them and then the finished piece. Sometimes I forget just how bad these items started out!

Hey Baby! Gold velvet was hip back in the '70's!

Now, isn't this much better? It just looks like it would be fun to sit in!

Yikes! By the looks of the oil stains, it spent time in an old garage. A little bit of paint and it has a new life with a French Country flair!

This is a genuine 'Roos' cedar chest that still has the original labels inside. It might have looked OK 'as-is' except for the dog chewed off corner! So I painted it! Not a great shot, but you get the picture!

Once I get a spot cleared out in my compact garage to work on my projects, I will be on the look-out for more 'trash-to-treasure' finds! I guess my truck will just have to get used to sitting outside!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Dreams Really Do Come True

My favorite place when I would come for a visit in Cedar Falls is the Barn Happy. It was always a top priority to have lunch there. The sandwiches and quiches are awesome, and I was hooked on the flavored ice teas! The vintage tables and serving trays really made it a nostalgic experience and the atmosphere is upbeat and .... well ... HAPPY!!

Barn Happy also has some interesting items to purchase both in the main part and upstairs in the 'hay loft'. There's a plethera of unique things upstairs! Everything from antiques to vintage, with some retro thrown in, too. I always wished that I could have a place like this to sell my unique one-of-a-kind pieces.

And now, I am excited to say, my wish has come true!! I am a part of the Barn Happy family! It took some major effort to get my projects completed, what with not having an adequate workspace and moving, but it was worth the effort! I've found my bliss!!