Tuesday, December 27, 2011

New Year's Wishes

Do you make a list of resolutions for the New Year? Like how you'd like to loose those same 10 pounds you've been meaning to lose all the other years?? Me, too! Let's be more realistic - this year let's vow to spend less time worrying about those 10 pounds and do more things to make our lives happier, simpler, and greener! Sing out loud in your car on your way to work! Make snow angels under the stars! Give somebody a hug - greet a stranger! Do a random act of kindness - it's contagious! Re-cycle and Rescue more Junk!! 

That's my list! Not only for the New Year, but for every New Day! What's on YOUR list?

Best Wishes to You for a Wonderful & Happy New Year! May it be the Best One Yet!!


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Merry Christmas to You!

May your Christmas be Merry & Bright and the New Year be the Happiest of All!
Buon Natale!