Monday, December 29, 2014

A New Year, A New You!

I've completed the last of my projects for the year! It was a work in progress for quite
awhile, but I think it turned out pretty cool!
This piece was a vintage stereo cabinet in it's previous life. I found in a thrift shop and
immediately knew it was destined to become something glamorous!
Here's the BEFORE....
Interior shot.....

Someone had already done some interior work to it,
so that made the project go much quicker! No measuring and sawing
plywood shelving.
I envisioned this piece to become a side bar to store glassware
and essentials for impromptu entertaining!
I used silver metallic paint for the trim around
the top, the base, and the door hardware. I chose a
light blue-grey for the cabinet.
For the interior I picked a vibrant turquoise color and
a silver patterned background to give it some *sparkle*!
I added a chrome wine glass holder to keep fancy
glassware within easy reach.
What a fun conversation piece to have for your next party! Don't forget to invite me!
I've got quite a few completed projects accumulating and I'll be planning another sale
coming up in the Early Spring!
 Watch for the dates!
Have you made your New Year's resolutions, yet?

How true! We all want to do 'more' to make us a 'better' person.
Ideally, it should last ALL YEAR LONG!
 It seems like the idea of making a list of things that you want to accomplish, stop doing,
start doing, try, simplify, organize.....well, you get the kind of redundant!'s one that would be PERFECT to have on anyone's list!
There's just ONE more thing I'd really have to add to the list (if I did one)...
A 'new-look' wardrobe! And, who doesn't want to look fashionable?
I love this casual combination.
Gray is such a flattering color for the more "mature" woman!
Oh, Yeah! I really like this look for work! The boots are awesome!
I tend to wear a lot of dark colors. A splash of color would be a nice change.
 I already have this animal print scarf!
And, of course, I'm always on the lookout for some fabulous Western Boots!
Well, this part of my New Year's list seems like it'll be fairly easy to complete! There are
more important things that I want to  to accomplish. If I don't get to all of them, I'm
not going to worry too much...........THEY'LL STILL BE THERE NEXT YEAR!! 

I hope this will be your


Monday, December 22, 2014


It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
I'm so excited to be spending the holidays in Colorado - Glenwood Springs, to be exact. I arrived here by Amtrak! Riding the train is something I've always wanted to do and  I thought it might be interesting and fun.
 Images of a different era of train travel came to mind - when it was elegant and glamorous.
Uniformed Porters, dining cars with white linen table cloths, waiters dressed in white jackets and gloves.....
Visions of grand train stations.
Well......the sad fact is, unfortunately, it's not like that anymore!
The few remaining train stations I saw along the way are very small, rundown, or no longer in use. The trains themselves are in need of updating and a good cleaning!
That being said, it turned out to be an okay experience! The seats are roomy, you can get up and roam around, and you meet some interesting people along the way.
Most of the trip was at night. It looked like this when I boarded the train.
Amtrak shares the rails with freight trains, which involves having to be side-tracked, literally, so the freight can go on by. It can cause delays - so expect your train to be behind schedule!
The winding turns in the mountains allow you to view the front part of the train rounding the bends!
Finally reaching my destination........
Beautiful Glenwood Springs!
It's been snowing since I got here! A white Christmas, for sure!
With Christmas so close, it's time to reflect on the past year. Have you been naughty? Or nice? It's not too late to give Santa your 'Wish List'!
Santa, Baby! For me a BMW convertible, please! Z4! All black! I'd love that! I've been an angel all year! Santa, Baby! So hurry it down the chimney tonight!
May all your wishes come true!