Friday, January 1, 2021

Christmas Decoration Take Down!

When do you take down your Christmas decorations?
The day after Christmas?
New Year's Day?
Or do you procrastinate and prolong the inevitable
by taking them down a few at a time
so it's not quite so daunting and
leaving the decor looking so bare!

Holiday decorated trees are so festive!

Fun little displays of vintage and
 re-cycled found items add a bit of whim!

I've left my decorations up longer than before,
mainly because I've been home more 
to enjoy them!

Today, New Year's Day, seems like 
a good time to pack
it all up and start with a fresh new look!

Although, I can't make a lot of 
major changes, due to living in a rental property 
- like paint the kitchen cabinets (which I'd love to do!),
put down new flooring, or update the bathrooms!!

I can update some furniture pieces with paint, 
give it a refreshed look with new accessories, 
and move it around for a different look!

That's my project for this winter!

Bedrooms, first! 


I'll keep you posted with photos 
of the AFTER project!

May 2021 be a better year for us all!