Tuesday, December 27, 2011

New Year's Wishes

Do you make a list of resolutions for the New Year? Like how you'd like to loose those same 10 pounds you've been meaning to lose all the other years?? Me, too! Let's be more realistic - this year let's vow to spend less time worrying about those 10 pounds and do more things to make our lives happier, simpler, and greener! Sing out loud in your car on your way to work! Make snow angels under the stars! Give somebody a hug - greet a stranger! Do a random act of kindness - it's contagious! Re-cycle and Rescue more Junk!! 

That's my list! Not only for the New Year, but for every New Day! What's on YOUR list?

Best Wishes to You for a Wonderful & Happy New Year! May it be the Best One Yet!!


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Merry Christmas to You!

May your Christmas be Merry & Bright and the New Year be the Happiest of All!
Buon Natale!

Thursday, November 24, 2011


I recently had a beautiful vintage vanity with a large round mirror on display at Barn Happy. It really was a pretty piece. I had two people that wanted to purchase it at the same time! Have you ever been in that perdicament? It's nice if you have more than one of the same thing - it's not so nice when you only have one ... and it's one-of-a-kind!

I was asked if I could re-create another vanity like that one. It's not as easy as it seems!  It would be darn difficult! I'm sure there are probably more pieces of furniture like it .... somewhere! Time was an issue, but I'd be willing to keep looking for something similar and!

As luck would have it, I came across something that might actually work! While perusing one of my fav thrift shops, I happened to spy what looked like a small sized desk. With a closer look, I noticed a round mirror propped up behind it. It was smaller than the other one I had done, but I thought it was worth a try to give it a make-over!

This is how it looked before. It even has casters! The finish was in pretty good shape - it didn't seem right to paint over it!

The mirror and frame were in good shape, too. (don't mind the background - it's my workspace!)

Here she is .... painted the same color as the other vanity! New drawer hardware to replace the damaged originals. I gave it a good, hand-rubbed waxy polish to make it shine!

Adding the mirror was a little tricky - you see, I found out during the work-in-progress -- that the mirror didn't actually go with the bottom part!! Umm - oh, oh! It took some ingenuity on my part to figure it out! But now you'd probably think they were made for each other!

The other vanity had a pretty little bench that I found and it set it off perfectly. I wasn't able to find another bench, but I happened to come across a lonely little chair that I thought might be just the to complete this little vanity! The back support was broken missing, so I decided to cut the chair back so it would be lower and kinda look like a vanity bench/chair! What do you think?

Sometimes that's all it takes to make a Dream come true!

Till next time...... Keep dreamin' till your dreams come true!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

No Excuses, No Apologizing!

I know, I know........... I'm a bad blogger! I'm not even going to make excuses anymore! So, that being said, here's what I've been cranking out:
This was such a cute little gate-leg table that was totally abused and obviously not one that was loved enough to keep.

It looks like someone used their carpenter skills - such as they were - and built this table by hand. Maybe for a Mother or a Wife. But, it withstood the test of time and has a kind of primitive look that I love!!

I could see that this table had the potential to be lovely once again! French Country seemed the way to go!

Plus, I wanted to try the hand-painted graphics! I chose the Background Graphic Fairy for this beauty.
Now this beautiful table has a re-newed life! I so love how it turned out! I wanted to keep it! It's already found a new home with someone who also loves these vintage treasures!
Simple little magazine holder table thingy! Everybody's probably seen one of these a time or two!

Well, here's an updated version! The top is a black stain. The bottom is a lightly distressed shade of turquoise.
Love the slightly rusty-crusty look!
Love it better with a little paint, vintage dictionary pages of birds, and bird stencils! SOLD!
This is my own creation! What to do with some old shutters and glass cabinet door? Why make a table, of course! GONE!
BEFORE: Beat up desk. Goodwill find.

Came with this mirror.

Beauty-full in a deep cream color! It found a loving home, too!

White paint, lightly distressed, re-upholstered with muslin and French-script fabric. Oh La-la! Love it! 

Another curbside find! No before pics, but imagine dull brown, scratched up, banged up and tossed out!

Such detail!
Paired with a mis-matched chair.
Fancy - schmancy pillow made from fabric scraps!

Mis-matched finials! Do you think anybody will notice??!

I'm starting to wind down for the season mainly because I don't have a good workspace conducive for cold weather. But, I'll still be on the lookout for potential projects and start planning for next Spring.
Meanwhile ........


Sunday, September 4, 2011

Vintage Travel Trailer = FUN

If you haven't heard about the vintage travel trailer craze -- WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!! It's the latest trend for those of us who LOVE anything vintage and the nostalgic feelings that goes with it!
While I was visiting in my favorite place in the country - Colorado - we stayed at the STARLITE CLASSIC CAMPGROUND for the "Trailer Trash Bash". It was a great time! What a fun group of vintage trailer-lovin' folks! Check it out -- you'll be hooked once you see how much fun it is!!! 

Canon City, CO

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this yellow range! It's SO VINTAGE!!

If you're old enough to remember "The Long Trailer" movie starring Lucille Ball & Desi Arnaz, this is the exact trailer!! How cool!!

Complete with full retro kitchen!

Did you know that there were several makes of travel trailers manufactured in Iowa?!!

This is one of them!

Too much fun!! Are you a vintage trailer convert, yet?
And there was the 'TRAILER TRASH BASH QUEEN ' contest, too! That will be another blog on it's own!

I can't believe that I didn't get any photos of Vicky & Richard's Shasta! But, you can see the entire renovation they did on their vintage trailer here http://share.shutterfly.com/share/received/welcome.sfly?fid=30b423da1daa8f48&sid=0AatHLNi5YuGTiY . It's a pictorial of "start-to-finish"!

Happy campin'!