Sunday, November 6, 2011

No Excuses, No Apologizing!

I know, I know........... I'm a bad blogger! I'm not even going to make excuses anymore! So, that being said, here's what I've been cranking out:
This was such a cute little gate-leg table that was totally abused and obviously not one that was loved enough to keep.

It looks like someone used their carpenter skills - such as they were - and built this table by hand. Maybe for a Mother or a Wife. But, it withstood the test of time and has a kind of primitive look that I love!!

I could see that this table had the potential to be lovely once again! French Country seemed the way to go!

Plus, I wanted to try the hand-painted graphics! I chose the Background Graphic Fairy for this beauty.
Now this beautiful table has a re-newed life! I so love how it turned out! I wanted to keep it! It's already found a new home with someone who also loves these vintage treasures!
Simple little magazine holder table thingy! Everybody's probably seen one of these a time or two!

Well, here's an updated version! The top is a black stain. The bottom is a lightly distressed shade of turquoise.
Love the slightly rusty-crusty look!
Love it better with a little paint, vintage dictionary pages of birds, and bird stencils! SOLD!
This is my own creation! What to do with some old shutters and glass cabinet door? Why make a table, of course! GONE!
BEFORE: Beat up desk. Goodwill find.

Came with this mirror.

Beauty-full in a deep cream color! It found a loving home, too!

White paint, lightly distressed, re-upholstered with muslin and French-script fabric. Oh La-la! Love it! 

Another curbside find! No before pics, but imagine dull brown, scratched up, banged up and tossed out!

Such detail!
Paired with a mis-matched chair.
Fancy - schmancy pillow made from fabric scraps!

Mis-matched finials! Do you think anybody will notice??!

I'm starting to wind down for the season mainly because I don't have a good workspace conducive for cold weather. But, I'll still be on the lookout for potential projects and start planning for next Spring.
Meanwhile ........


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