Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Heart Of The Matter

It's just a plain old wooden desk. Nothing special. Your folks probably had one in their home once upon a time. Mine did. I can visualize my Dad sitting at his desk paying monthly bills, keeping receipts and important papers in the double file drawer on the right. He was so organized and neat. The top drawers were always stained from the old leaky bottles of ink that were used to fill the 'fountain' pens! If these desks could talk, I'll bet they'd have lots of stories to tell - or write about! Ah, the memories. The good old days!
I found this desk at the Goodwill Store. It was okay as far as old desks go, but you know that I would HAVE to give it a NEW look!

Ta-da! Here's the 'AFTER'!

The heart design came about by accident! Honest! I couldn't even have made attempted it and have it turn out this good beautiful! I LOVE it!

I was going to put it in the garage- um, I know that sounds awful - to keep for an upcoming sale, plus my house is too small to accommodate any more furniture. But, I really like this piece and just wanted to be able to look at it. I made room for it and, who knows, I may even decide to keep it for myself!

Surround yourself with people and things you love!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Change Is Good!

When I bought my little cottage house, I liked the colors the previous owner had chosen. Each room was different and they all complimented each other as a whole. Well, knowing me, like I do, I had to make some changes! Having recently re-painted the bath, I felt like the bedroom needed to be lightened up a bit!

Here's the BEFORE:

Yeah! That's RED alright!

This is the new, lighter version ....

Mocha color. Much more soothing, don't you think?

The silky curtains add a softer look. I like them better than the stark-white wooden blinds.

The next thing on my wish-list is to have carpet installed. I would love to keep the original hardwood floors bare, but unfortunately, someone did a botched-up job in a previous remodel and pieced toghether a large section of the floor! It was done so badly, it can't even be repaired. So for now, a colorful rug covers the boo-boo!  And I can live with that ... for now!