Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Change Is Good!

When I bought my little cottage house, I liked the colors the previous owner had chosen. Each room was different and they all complimented each other as a whole. Well, knowing me, like I do, I had to make some changes! Having recently re-painted the bath, I felt like the bedroom needed to be lightened up a bit!

Here's the BEFORE:

Yeah! That's RED alright!

This is the new, lighter version ....

Mocha color. Much more soothing, don't you think?

The silky curtains add a softer look. I like them better than the stark-white wooden blinds.

The next thing on my wish-list is to have carpet installed. I would love to keep the original hardwood floors bare, but unfortunately, someone did a botched-up job in a previous remodel and pieced toghether a large section of the floor! It was done so badly, it can't even be repaired. So for now, a colorful rug covers the boo-boo!  And I can live with that ... for now!

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