Sunday, January 30, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day To Me!

I LOVE chaulk board paint! So much that I used it on my kitchen door! It needed to be painted anyway, so now I can write something inspirational or leave myself a note. I tend to be forgetful!!

I've made several projects into chaulk boards - old cabinet doors, old windows, boards, and vintage sterling silver. They have many uses - memos, phrases, drawing pictures, decor. And, if you want to change it all you have to do is erase it and start over!

Maybe my love for chaulk boards makes me nostalgic for my early school-girl years when they were on the walls of every classroom. Teachers would write their name on black boards the first day of school. We created a lot of chaulk dust doing arithmatic problems and spelling words on them. You could always cause a shriek from classmates if you ran your fingernails down it!  Does anybody else remember those days? I guess that ages me!!

Still young at heart!

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