Saturday, April 7, 2012

Danger! Construction Zone

It seems that no matter how hard I try, and after numerous failed attempts, I've come to the conclusion that I  will never be a carpenter. Oh yes, I muddle through, and use what tools I have to patch and re-construct things to the best of my ability get by, but I'm no Bob Villa! How I envy those women that have conquered the skill of using power tools!! Here's the latest victim in my continued determination to get the job done....


I saw this Adirondack chair (not as it is in the picture, it was all white when I saw it) sitting on the curb with some other things one day, so, of course, I stopped to pick it up! It looked great okay from a distance, but closer inspection showed a lot of rotted wood. But, hey, that's never stopped me before!! I threw it in the truck and away I went! I thought it would look good in the garden anyway. When I got it home and started taking it apart - it literally FELL APART!


Hmmm ... well, there went my idea for using it as 'garden art'! It sat in pieces in the garage over the winter, but since I have limited space, I either had to FIX IT or TOSS IT!  Gasp! I couldn't just throw it out - I had to try to SAVE IT! I used the pieces as 'templets', bought new wood, nuts and bolts, and proceeded to put it all back together. I managed to salvage some of the original boards, too. However, I forgot how all the pieces fit together :-P.  It was like building a whole new chair without the instructions! Bob Villa would've had it done in a couple of hours! At least it finally resembles an Adirondack chair, again, so I guess I didn't do too bad! Just don't look too closely! 

I've since filled in all the screw holes and then I'll give it a good over-all sanding. I decided I'm going to paint it 'green apple'. Paint covers a multitude of mistakes flaws! It will look fantastic on the patio! It's comfortable to sit in - I tried it out!  

I may not be a carpenter, but I love to challenge myself and keep on giving it another try! I'm always pleasantly amazed when it turns out okay! One of these days I may surprise myself and actually be good at it! For now, I'll settle for Perfectly, Imperfect!

Be happy and love what you do!


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