Monday, November 5, 2012


Hey! Remember the song "Fresh" by Kool and the Gang? I know that's really dating myself, but it just popped into my head when I was trying to come up with a 'catchy' title for this post! Well, I'm not writing about a lady - I'm writing about a WHOLE GROUP of them!! Over the weekend, I attended "Get Fresh Girls' Weekend " in Lanesboro, MN. What an exciting and fun-filled time! Those girls in Lanesboro sure know how to put on an event!

A trip to Lanesboro is an absolute MUST!

Yep! That's right! Less than 800 people actually live in Lanesboro, and it's definitely a "playful city"!!

Now probably isn't the prettiest time to go, meaning this late fall season, but the town itself is beautiful any time of the year! You need to go!

I've wanted to take a trip to Lanesboro since I heard about it last Spring! There was always some excuse that kept me from going until I found out about the GetFresh Girls' Weekend! I HAD to go, no matter what!

Many of my inspirations come from JunkMarket Style ( ), of which I'm an avid follower. It features so many talented and creative people. The creator, Sue Whitney, is an amazing enterprising woman. She has become a huge contributor and inspiration to the ever-growing trend of vintage and junk fashion and decor! She recently opened a shop in Lanesboro, GetFresh Vintage, which features a few of the JunkMarket Style vendors.

GetFresh Vintage Shop

My favorite word!

Angel wings and petticoat in a rustic display.

Old hog farrowing crate (bet you're wondering how I know that!) turned into a cool planter!

Musicians in the window!
Debbie and Dean -  fabulous voice and keyboard duo playing everything Big Band to Blues!

Lanesboro is known as the "Bed & Breakfast Capital of Minnesota".

This is one of the many beautiful homes that are Bed & Breakfast's.

Another Bed & Breakfast Painted Lady!

They are all just gorgeous!
There are several unique and wonderful places to shop in Lanesboro. Upscale, trendy clothing, antiques galore, true local Amish-made products and much, much more. And I hit them ALL!! NO WALMART'S OR BIG BOX STORES HERE!!!!!!!! What a nice concept! And you know what? You don't even MISS NEED them!

Some of the unique shops.

You won't go hungry in this town, either! Whatever you are craving - it's there! So many fantastic restaurants from breakfast, lunch, to dinner - their mouth-watering menus made you hungry just reading them! I enjoyed a good old-fashioned all-you-can-eat Fish Fry put on by the local AmVets. Met some really nice folks there, too! Oh, and by the way.......NO FAST FOOD PLACES HERE!!!!!!!!! YAY!

I LOVE LANESBORO! (can you tell!)

Those who wander, aren't always lost.........they find the best places to go!

Happy Trails!

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