Sunday, November 25, 2012


If I would stop finding more projects to work on, I'd be DONE! Not that I'm complaining - does it sound like I'm whining? - especially when earlier in the season I was having such a hard time finding anything!

Here's a quick little paint job that I just finished. A non-descript all wood kitchen cart on casters. Not even vintage!

Boring, Boring, Boring!
I had a vision for this cart - paint it up, make it look more aged (distressed) and I have a vintage wire basket that would fit perfectly on the middle shelf. I'm going to make a muslin liner for the basket for added interest!


Much better!
 The casters were spray painted with a hammered bronze to cover up the original shiney gold look.

The back panel kept popping out, so I glued it good, clamped it, and when it was dry, I applied caulking around the back interior joints to make it even sturdier. Then I painted the inside and re-attached the doors, which turned out to be more of a task than I anticipated when I removed them in the first place!

Using a 200 grit sandpaper, I lightly sanded the entire surface which gave it a 'peely-paint' kind of distressed look. I like the way it turned out. A coat of finishing paste wax leaves it with a smooth protective surface.

I don't have the wire basket liner made yet - saving doing that for a rainy day! When it's all done, I'll be sure to have photos of the completed ensemble!


Speaking of more finds.............. it must have been my lucky Sunday! While out on my walking exercise routine, I had just started out on my trek and came upon this standing along the curb...

  I caught a glimpse of it out the corner of my eye standing on the side street. I made a quick turn from the street I was on to get a better look! I didn't know if I should go run back home to get my truck or continue on and hope that no one else picked it up first! I decided to chance it and kept on walking - all the while thinking about what I could do to that piece, paint color - my mind was racing! This piece was BIG! Thoughts of -"Remember what you said about NEVER getting another thing too big to handle by yourself" -  kept running through my mind, too! The rest of my walk was alternating conversations-"yes, go for it" and "no, forget it and keep walking" So, by the time I got back home, I decided that if it was still there, I'd GO FOR IT! 

It was still there when I drove by! (sometimes you gotta be careful what you wish for!) I wanted to make sure it was there for the taking, so I went up to the front door to inquire. The woman I spoke with confirmed that it was, and also told me the history of this unusual item. It had been handmade years ago by a man she knew for his son, and then the woman's son had gotten it some time later. She was very gracious and helped me load it up into my truck. And now it's sitting in my garage - the same garage that I said I wanted cleared out by cold weather so I could get my truck inside! Yeah, well............. so much for that theory!

Later the same day, I was going out to run an errand and spied this cute little table on the curb right down the block from my house! What luck!!

I think my neighbor may have put it out on purpose for me to pick up! She's seen me caught me in the act picking up other things!  OKAY, I'VE GOT NO PRIDE! Anyhoo, I was very pleased to take it off her hands! THANKS, JEAN!
Great little accent table that just needs a little cleaning up and some new paint!

It's in good condition!

There's a lot of detail on this little table. Look at those gorgeous legs! It's going to be a fun project! I am invisioning multi-colors on this gem! I can hardly wait to get started! I've already given it a base coat. I'll post photos when it's all dolled up!

I love going for my daily walks! There are miles of beautiful trails all over this area that I sometimes take, but the route that's my favorite is the residential area between my place and downtown, where all the larger, older homes are located. It gives me a chance to observe the beautiful landscapes and gardens, house styles, paint colors and how people deocorate their front porches. I've incorporated similar ideas into my own on-going house and landscape projects. My walks are two-fold - exercise and creative thinking! I'm always on the lookout for new inventive ideas!

What's YOUR favorite type of exercise? Or are you a daydreamer like me?!!

"Dream on....
       dream until your dreams come true.    ~~Steven Tyler

Until we meet again.........


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