Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Remember when you were a kid and school was closed for a "Snow Day"? YIPPEE! I couldn't wait to get outside to build a snowman and a snow fort where I'd stockpile snowballs. Then we neighborhood kids would play for hours throwing snowballs at each other. We'd trek through "at least 4 feet" of snow to go sledding! The city closed off one of the residential streets that was perfect for speeding downhill! Our 'snowsuits' were wet and frozen solid with snow. WHO CARES! It was THRILLING and FUN!

Fast forward to the present.........I can't wait to come IN from being out in the snow and cold! How about you? Do you LOVE THE SNOW? Or would you rather be snug and warm in front of the fireplace with a mug of steaming hot chocolate (or your favorite beverage of choice)?

These "Snow Days" have given me an opportunity to complete a few more projects.

I did another 'ghost mirror'. The first one turned out so well, I decided to use the same technique on another antique mirror I had.

I used a scrapbook paper that looks like a French vintage document, some old sheet music, and added an old photo into the mix. I put a dark stain wash on the antique frame, which I wiped off to enhance the crackled finish.


You've probably seen these little metal shelves before. They were popular in the '50's and '60's and used mostly to hold cosmetics and small items in the bathroom. This one has been spray painted white, then distressed a bit to give it an aged look!

I decoupaged old dictionary pages and French ephemera onto the shelves.

Now this fancy little shelf unit will look great in ANY room!


What else can you do with a pile of old orphaned picture frames? Well, one idea is to turn them into a terrarium or display case! I've made them before and liked how they turned out. It's like putting together a puzzle! This bunch of frames was destined to become another one! The frames are larger than what I'd used previously, so it turned out to be rather tall!

For something different, I added an etched look to a couple of the glass panes. My plan was to have those panes on the top frames. Unfortunately, I neglected to make sure those panes fit the upper frames before I did the stenciling! When it came to putting all the glass in place.....GUESS WHAT!! It didn't fit in the top! The glass was for the frames on the bottom. UGH! Sometimes it just doesn't turn out as planned!!

That wasn't the ONLY problem! Yes, I had another 'junk-gone-bad' moment! GASP! One of the smaller frames I used didn't have glass with it, so I used one from another frame. Same size. It would work out okay - RIGHT? WRONGO!! It was just a TAD too big!!!!! But, of course, I didn't realize this until I was putting it all together. ACH-H-H! I couldn't believe it.

I ended up using the glass as it was. It's NOT perfect. It has character!


As long as I'm confessing..........I had ANOTHER problematic project! TWO IN ONE DAY!! That's when you want to just throw up your hands and QUIT!
I've turned lots of old picture frames into memo/jewelry holders using chicken wire. Most of the time it's easy to attach the wire to the frame back. Wel-l-l-l, not this one!

The vintage wavy frame was beautiful! It's the back side that turned out to be the issue.

It looks fine from the front - it just doesn't look so pretty from behind!

Do you ever have things not turn out as planned?
Sometimes you've just gotta grit your teeth and CARRY ON!

I saved the BEST FOR LAST!! This one is made from a wood end table - turned UPSIDE-DOWN! I forgot to take a before photo, but it looked kinda like this one. I had to remove the top part, which wasn't an easy task!

A cutie-patootie DOG BED! Isn't it adorable? What little dog wouldn't love to have their own bed!!

The cushion was a little tricky! I used a soft fleece for the top and French script fabric for the sides. The foam pad inside is so cush-y and cozy!

I attached wooden ball knobs to the bottom to elevate it off the floor a little bit - low enough for the pooch to climb in easily!
Happy dog dreams!

If you are lucky enough to have a  dog (or cat), you know about unconditional love! They love you no matter what! And, they are part of your family.  

If you don't have a dog, and like me, would love to have one........
"choose to take in someone who doesn't have a home
choose to feed him
choose his bed
choose to show him what it means to have a friend
choose to pet him on the head when he finally chooses to be your dog"
(from an ad for Nature's Recipe for pets)


To all you animal lovers - until next time.....


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