Sunday, March 17, 2013


photo credit - FABRICUT

This could be ME! I try to follow rules - although not always successfully! There's just TOO MANY OF THEM!! Rules are meant to be broken - RIGHT?? A gal's gotta BEND a little - have some FUN!

I like to break change the rules of design, too. The rule is, there are NO RULES! Throw caution to the wind, be a little DARING! UNIQUE! DIFFERENT! That's why everything I do is ONE-OF-A-KIND! Take for example this latest vanity re-do.

I almost forgot to take 'before' shots! I'd already started working on this vanity that I recently got at my favorite thrift store. It was in okay shape, although the middle section was coming apart and had a serious case of 'sagg-itis'! I did a bit of structural reinforcing and now it's all straightened out and secure! (and YES, I am working on this piece in my living room!)

The top had the usual water glass damage, some errant spray paint, and some cracked and missing veneer.

Nothing that a little wood glue and wood putty couldn't repair cover up! Besides, the drawer pulls are cool!

Did I mention it has a big round mirror, too? A big HEAVY mirror? My original plan for this vanity didn't pan out. But not to fret!

RULE #1. If it doesn't look good to you - change it! So I did!

Opps! You can see my stack of stuff to take to BH reflected in the mirror! ah, ha, ha, ha! Hey, I have to utilize every inch of space in my little cottage!

I used my own version of chalk paint made with some left over paint I had. Two coats later, I gave it an over-all distressing with a150 grit sandpaper block. Then I applied a clear finish wax. Over that I used a dark wax to give it an aged look, and another coat of clear for a good seal. Smooth as a baby's butt! Sweet!!

A little touch of French LOVE.
(you see, my original plan was to have French script written all over the top and sides of the vanity - which turned out to be ALL WRONG! My writing looked like - well, you know! - like chicken scratch! Thankfully, I'd only done a small portion before I realized that it had to be sanded off and re-painted!)

It turned out to be a pretty piece. AND - it even looks great with this bench that I already had and was going to put in my space at BH. It's a perfectly-imperfect match!

RULE #2. Go with whatcha got!

So! Are you a RULE FOLLOWER or a RULE BREAKER? Just remember - life is too short NOT to break a few rules!

"The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do"....Walter Bagehot

To all my fellow REBEL SISTAS! Until next time!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

HAVE YOU HEARD?.....................

Magnolia Pearl is having a giveaway! "Who is Magnolia Pearl", you ask? Robin "Magnolia Pearl" Brown is a renowned clothing designer. Her fashions are unlike any other you've seen! Bits of lace, faded vintage ribbons, sheer ruffles, combined together with soft fabrics gently gathered to form the most delectably feminine and romantic Bohemian designs on earth! See what lovelies there are on

Anyhoo.............she's giving away TWO COMPLETE OUTFITS to some lucky readers! You can enter for a chance to win, too!

 Just click on the Magnolia Pearl button on the side panel!
 HURRY! You only have until March 15th to enter!

(All photos © Anne Lorys Photography unless indicated)
The beautiful ranch that Robin and her husband, John Gray, lived on is for sale. Be still my heart!!! It's located on 38 heavenly acres in the Texas countryside of Bandera. OMGeeeee! This place is like a dream-come-true to me! I can see myself living in one of the three houses situated on the property - any one of them!  I found these luscious photos on

love, love, love the chandeliers!
old tin ceiling and chippy, painted wood - oh, my!
rustic stone fireplace, old columns eclectic hanging chandies!
perfect patina!
And the gardens............ahhhh, heavy sigh!....are to die for!
 photo courtesy Magnolia Pearl
photo courtesy Magnolia Pearl
For more fabulous photos of the Magnolia Pearl Ranch and information on the 'giveaway', go to Mmmmm, it's eye-candy for the soul!
This is MY dream place (one of many!) What does your dream house look like?
 Isn't it FUN have FANTASIES!
~~ whisper your name on the things you find be*you*tiful!
Sweet Dreams!