Sunday, March 17, 2013


photo credit - FABRICUT

This could be ME! I try to follow rules - although not always successfully! There's just TOO MANY OF THEM!! Rules are meant to be broken - RIGHT?? A gal's gotta BEND a little - have some FUN!

I like to break change the rules of design, too. The rule is, there are NO RULES! Throw caution to the wind, be a little DARING! UNIQUE! DIFFERENT! That's why everything I do is ONE-OF-A-KIND! Take for example this latest vanity re-do.

I almost forgot to take 'before' shots! I'd already started working on this vanity that I recently got at my favorite thrift store. It was in okay shape, although the middle section was coming apart and had a serious case of 'sagg-itis'! I did a bit of structural reinforcing and now it's all straightened out and secure! (and YES, I am working on this piece in my living room!)

The top had the usual water glass damage, some errant spray paint, and some cracked and missing veneer.

Nothing that a little wood glue and wood putty couldn't repair cover up! Besides, the drawer pulls are cool!

Did I mention it has a big round mirror, too? A big HEAVY mirror? My original plan for this vanity didn't pan out. But not to fret!

RULE #1. If it doesn't look good to you - change it! So I did!

Opps! You can see my stack of stuff to take to BH reflected in the mirror! ah, ha, ha, ha! Hey, I have to utilize every inch of space in my little cottage!

I used my own version of chalk paint made with some left over paint I had. Two coats later, I gave it an over-all distressing with a150 grit sandpaper block. Then I applied a clear finish wax. Over that I used a dark wax to give it an aged look, and another coat of clear for a good seal. Smooth as a baby's butt! Sweet!!

A little touch of French LOVE.
(you see, my original plan was to have French script written all over the top and sides of the vanity - which turned out to be ALL WRONG! My writing looked like - well, you know! - like chicken scratch! Thankfully, I'd only done a small portion before I realized that it had to be sanded off and re-painted!)

It turned out to be a pretty piece. AND - it even looks great with this bench that I already had and was going to put in my space at BH. It's a perfectly-imperfect match!

RULE #2. Go with whatcha got!

So! Are you a RULE FOLLOWER or a RULE BREAKER? Just remember - life is too short NOT to break a few rules!

"The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do"....Walter Bagehot

To all my fellow REBEL SISTAS! Until next time!

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