Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Think Spring!


This is pretty much how it looks where I'm at!

There's a heck of a lot of snow that needs to melt before it's SPRING!
It's time to put the heavy winter coats and sweaters away! Bring out the bright colors!
I'd like to try a whole new look this year!
Wouldn't it be nice to be all coordinated like this!

Blue jeans never go out of style!

I would SO LOVE to wear this!
Looking at all these gorgeous and fun outfits for spring makes we want to go shopping!
I think this will be my most favorite season of all! 
My Baby Girl........
 I know, I know! I find it hard to believe, too!
Ah, but yes! Alas, it is true!
She's having a BIG HAWAII 5-0 BIRTHDAY BASH - everyone is required to wear vintage beach attire!  It's going to be so much fun! I've been busy creating table decorations and props for the photo shoot setup.
 I saw this idea on Pinterest, so I HAD TO MAKE IT!!
Of course I HAVE TO EMBARRASS HER at some point! That's what Mom's do!
I cut out GIGANTIC 5-0 numbers and covered them with a collage of 50 years worth of photos!
What a trip down MEMORY LANE that was! It was difficult to choose which ones to use! Each photo had a memorable story. It took me longer to put it all together because those pictures brought back so many memories and happy tears!
Each number is 40" tall!
 Ironically - not intentionally! - there are 50 photos on each one!
What fun it was to put all those photos together!
There's also going to be a large autograph frame with MORE PHOTOS of "50 years of hairstyles"!  What a HOOT! It'll be hilarious to read what fun things her friends will write about her!
In less than a month I'll load up the photo boards and all the other stuff (THREE BINS FULL!) and head out to Colorado! I can hardly wait!!
 I'll post PARTY PHOTOS! 
While I'm out in Colorado, I'm hoping I'll find some junky projects to bring back to start working on! Keep checking back to see what funky new things I've created!




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