Sunday, March 29, 2020

Nostalgic Feelings of Spring

What's your favorite season? 
I always look forward to Spring! Thoughts of
 longer days of sunny and warmer weather, green grass, 
green leaves on the trees and, of course, colorful flowers
 in bloom that fill the air with an abundance of fragrance!

I love to work outside in the Spring! My favorite things are:
planning garden spaces, (whether vegetables, flowers,
trees, or shrubs), digging in the dirt, watering, weeding,
 and watching everything grow!

I've lived in many homes over the years,
and with each one, the first thing I did
 was create new landscaping or 
a total renovation of the existing lawn and gardens.
It always made me happy to come home
and see the beautiful gardens
that came from all my efforts!

Currently, I'm living in a condo complex, which restricts
 being able to have any gardens. I miss that a lot!
So, thankfully, 
I've found a remedy to my dilemma -
I'm fortunate to get to have a garden at 
my daughter and her husband's house - and I help them out
with the enormous landscape gardens they have! 
It's a win-win!

In these uncertain times, when life itself seems 
out of control, take time for your health and welfare.
Being active outdoors can be productive
 and it can be the calm that you need.

Stay well, my friends...


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