Saturday, October 10, 2020

Fall Garden Cleaning and Planting Time

Ah, Fall...when the cooler temperatures of early mornings are quickly warmed up by the bright golden sun. The trees are turning into brilliant colors of yellows, oranges, and reds all around us. The blowing winds causing them to come fluttering down to cover the ground. Fall reminds us that change is a beautiful thing!

Just when you thought you could sit back and enjoy this new season, after the endless and exhausting Spring and Summer months of tending lawns and gardens, it's time to start Fall clearing out flower beds and vegetable gardens, pruning perennials, and planting new bulbs, trees, and shrubs to start the whole cycle all over again!!

Which season do you prefer to cut back and plant - Spring? Fall?

I actually like to be working outside on these beautiful Fall days. When the flowers have gone to seed and then cut back, the bushes get a good trim, and the garden vegetables have all been harvested, it's rewarding to see  the end result of all that hard labor! A clean slate that's already prepared for the next season. 

I do have a helper, though...
Shelby, (my Grand-dog), loves to be outside and seems eager to help

She's easily distracted

And likes to take breaks!

I should try to be more like her! 

Stay happy and well, my friends!

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