Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Bad Words!@#%!!

I was in the middle of writing a new post this week and when I attempted to insert a photo, it wouldn't work. After several failed attempts - even tried using different computers - and trying every suggested remedy, I thought maybe I had too many photos downloaded, so I came up with the brilliant innane idea to delete some of them and see if that solved the problem. Well.............it didn't! But it also presented another even bigger issue!! ALL my photos are DELETED, GONE, KA-POOT, DISAPPEARED...........GONE, GONE, GONE!!!!!! Four years worth of archiving all my projects are picture-less.

I am just sick about the whole thing, and have no one to blame but myself - thinking I could fix the problem without going through all the time-consuming hassle of calling for technical help. BLAH!

Unless I get the problem of not being able to insert photos fixed, there's no point in starting all over with new blogs for the beginning of the new year. What a mess I created! So, meanwhile - while I figure out how the heck H I'm going to fix it - just know that I'm still out here in la-la land, and busy working on new projects for the Spring opening, early in March. 

I'll keep taking plenty of pictures...........hopefully, you'll be able to SEE THEM!! Keep your fingers crossed!

Tomorrow will be a better day!

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