Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Well, not really! Fall isn't my most favorite time of year!! Although it's nice to have cooler mornings and evenings, it's just sad to see the flower and vegetable gardens starting to fade and turn brown!  

Where did summer go? Yes, it's still steamy hot and muggy, but can it really be SEPTEMBER already! What did I do all summer?..........for one thing I wasn't as busy working on projects like I usually am, but it seems like I was plenty busy doing SOMETHING! And now summer is winding down and I still have a lot more things I want to do!!

The best thing about this time of year? It's loaded with great 'JUNK EVENTS' ! HALLELUJAH AND PASS THE TACOS! I can't wait to get going! First thing to do is check out www.fleaquest.com to see which direction I should go! Junk Bonanza, Little Prairie Girl, What Cheer Flea Market, Junk Jubilee Holiday Show, WOO-HOO!...looks like my weekends are going to be chock full of good times and good finds!


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