Thursday, July 17, 2014


Summer! My favorite of all the seasons! I love it, but it seems to go by so quickly!! Do you think so, too? It's been a very busy summer! Even BEFORE summer got started!

In April my daughter turned the big 5-0!!
I can barely get those words to come out of my mouth! 
Anyhoo...she celebrated her birthday with a 'HAWAII 5-0' themed party -
 and I mean P-A-R-T-Y!!

Here's my baby before the party - the lei she has on was hand-made and sent to her from a friend in Hawaii. It's rosettes made from intricately folded leaves. It was stunning! 
All the guests came in tropical, beachy costume!
There was a lot of dancing, food, and FUN!
This is the outside bar area at the beautiful Glenwood Canyon Resort
where the party was held.
a fantastic place to stay and have a great adventure in Glenwood Springs, CO
It was a fabulous party!
I won't bore you with the OTHER 400 PHOTOS!
Another MILESTONE BIRTHDAY celebration!
We celebrated my mom's 100 YEARS YOUNG birthday with parties on July 3rd, and on the 4th, and again on the 5th! What a great time to have a birthday! There's celebrations and fireworks everywhere! Almost all of the grand and great-grand kids were there! Mom had a wonderful time!

She sure doesn't look or act like 100 years old! She's very fortunate to have been healthy and active all of her life! Happy wishes on your birthday, Mom, and many more to come!

My sister, mom, me, and my daughter at one of the parties.

My favorite thing to do on the 4th!
(this would have been the BEST way to view them!)

 Laying on the beach looking up at the glitter-filled sky!
This summer I've been taking advantage of all the bounties of the local Farmer's Market
and trying to eat healthier. My garden is starting to produce fresh green beans and there
are tomatoes ripening nicely on the vines. Can't wait till they're ready!
We need to have it this way again!
My perennial gardens are in full bloom now.
Stuff just grows where it wants to.....kinda ME!!
Bugs are out in full force, too! BAD ONES and THE GOOD ONES - Fireflies, that is!
As a kid, did you ever try to catch them and
put them in a  Mason jar? It's STILL FUN!
Okay! now on to the topic of my PROJECTS!!
I decided to take a break pause from working on any more STUFF for a while, but 
I just can't seem to stop myself when I find a piece of furniture in need!
I saw this sitting on the curb one night on my way home from work - so I HAD TO RESCUE IT!
Basic kitchen cabinet - bonus: it still had the shelves and all the shelf clips! SCORE!

 I added casters to the bottom. My idea was to make this into a functional island piece!
After I stood it upright, it had a tendency to tip to the front, so I had to remove the casters
and spread them out further for better balance. MOVING ON..........
I wanted the back to look finished, so I decoupaged old dictionary pages to it!
And added trim to the top, bottom and sides.
After re-attaching the cabinet doors and adding new knobs, it looked kinda BORING.......
so I added chalk painted rectangles to write messages or words of inspiration!
Painted the shelves and decoupaged old pages to the inside, too!
Holy Cow! Sorry my garage floor looks so bad! Can you tell I'm a messy painter!!
It would be the perfect as a 'Coffee Bar' or 'Martini Bar' - whichever your drink of choice may be!
I got this footstool at a garage sale - I can't find the 'before' photo - but, trust me, it was NASTY!
I cleaned it up, tore off the disgusting cat-hair-covered fabric, and painted it antique white. I used a seed sack fabric for the top and some burlap scrap for the ruffle trim.
AFTER: A Funky Footstool!
I love vintage seed sacks! They're so colorful and STURDY!

Here's a closeup of the decal.

I was really being lazy when I put the ruffle on with a hot glue gun while using my fingers to scrunch the burlap! Quick & Easy-Peasy! I'm all for that!!
Okay! Now I know that everybody's Grandma had a chair like this at some point!
I picked this one up at the thrift store really cheap!
Tacky embossed vinyl seat covering - probably chosen because
 it was easier to clean up spills and it doesn't stain!
Very feminine and curvy.
AFTER: Sweet!
Painted with my version of off-white chalk paint, lightly distressed and outfitted with a fashionable new seat cover! I chose to use burlap to give it a 'RUSTIC ROMANTIC' look!
I purchased the burlap coffee bean bag from
a local coffee roasting company, 'Sidecar Coffee Roasters'
I stenciled a vining rose design on the burlap fabric to compliment the carved rose on the chair back.

Details of the carved rose design.
I can see this being used as a vanity chair, desk chair or fitting in perfectly
with similar style chairs for dining. Which would you choose? Hm-m-m?
Isn't this trophy ADORABLE!!
I spied it at my favorite thrift shop! A darling dancing couple! I can
imagine them doing the waltz or fox trot. Whatever was popular at the time!
The cashier said they look like "Arthur & Katherine"
(Arthur Murray Dance Studios, for those of us who remember "way back" then!)
It was difficult to capture the intricate detailing because it's so shiny. There wasn't any
engraving on it to determine who, what or when! Don't know what to do with it!
It was just too precious to pass up!
Let's see......what else have I been working on........
Love this old 'Arts and Crafts' style desk! It's solid oak and very heavy.
In fairly good condition, but not very well cared for. Edges around the top are pretty banged up. Black water stain ingrained into the top - most likely from a potted plant.
I like the open shelves on the side.
It even has a drawer in it!

This is one piece that I really didn't want to paint - GASP! I KNOW! I'm surprised, too!
I patched up the missing chunks of edging, cleaned it up, and tried to remove the
deep water stain - I tried various techniques, and sanded it, but wasn't able to get it out.
I used a dark stain/sealer combo over the entire piece and left it at that.
I know I have the AFTER photos - just can't seem to find them!
 I'll take some new shots and post them next time!
Here's another 'BEFORE' project....
Just your basic, ordinary wooden end table.
I've finished it, too! Geesch! What's up with me and not getting
all my photos downloaded!
You'll have to wait until next time to see it, too!
Maybe what I need is some 'MEMORY PILLS'
Yeah! M&M's! Chocolate!
I'm afraid those tiny portions wouldn't be enough for me!
There's a few things I want to do this Summer......
What's on YOUR Bucket List?


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