Tuesday, September 16, 2014


It's been awhile! And the summer is almost gone! I've been busy with yard work, getting the perennials divided that need it, cleaning up flower beds and starting new ones! It's the perfect time of year to start doing that. The rain we've been getting is great for new transplants! Everything is still looking nice and green.


I re-did the pavers along the back of the house. Sound like fun?
 I wanted them to be more level to walk on!
What a mess and H-O-T!! - why did I choose the HOTTEST DAYS
to do all this dirty, backbreaking work! And the BUGS! ACK-K-K!
No amount of bug spray would keep them away!! 
If you live in Iowa, you know what I mean!
 But, I got it done - I was short some pavers toward the end,
 so the last couple of feet don't look so great!
At least it's reasonably level.
Now I can sit at my patio table and enjoy the view of the backyard!
While I was at it, I re-did the landscaping along the patio!
Made a dry bed stream using river rock to take away water from heavy rains.
See my cute bottle tree! Full of blue bottles -

I think 'RELAX' is an appropriate choice of words while sipping some fine wine on the patio!
I managed to finish some painting projects in between my other chores!
Remember this ugly end table from my last blog?
Here it is in a fresh vintage white. Just a tad distressing and some graphics added on top!
 French Café graphics add the perfect touch to an otherwise blah table!
Ah! I love French script, it just LOOKS romantic!
Someday I shall go there!
Did I show you my off-the-top-of-my-head-design potting bench?
This is in the 'rough' (very!) stage!
I've had the vintage sink for years thinking I'd find some wonderful
carpenter MAN to build a fabulous potting table around it!
Well, I got tired of WAITING FOR THAT MAN!!
So I did it myself!
As luck would have it, I found a heavy chest of drawers at a barn sale
that works perfectly - well, not so perfect! - but I made it work!
I used pickets from a fence I found on the curb. I just KNEW they'd come in handy some day!
Can you say HEAVY?
Now if I just had a POTTING SHED to put it in..........
This poor little table was laying in a heap of pieces on the curb
and then I RESCUED IT!
Hard to imagine the top was split into two pieces!
What was I thinking!!
But, I got it all put back together again.
It's a lovely shade of aqua with a walnut stain on the top.
I call this "the Princess" chair!
  That's the first thing that came to mind when I saw it.
All tufted and pink velvet - well, not so much pink anymore!
Once upon a time, I'm sure it was very pretty!
Until someone let their kids or grandkids use it for a paint pallette!!
And, to add to it's list of 'fix-its' - the springs were SHOT! Oh, my!
I only paid a dollar for it! How much work could it be!!
bah, ha, ha, ha! How often have I said THAT!!

I chose a Coffee Bean burlap bag from the local coffee roaster shop - don't ask me why!

I took this photo before I added a thick jute twine trim to cover the 1,001 staples!
The graphics look off-center, but that's how it was on the bag!
It's wasn't me.....Really!

She needed some PA-ZZAZ! So I painted her legs LIME GREEN!
HOO-LORDY! They are bright! LOVE IT!
I saved the BEST for last!
This gorgeous little dresser is just precious!
It'd be even BETTER if I had taken a photo with its new hardware in place!
It really makes a remarkable difference.
I'll take another picture so you can see for yourself!
It's got these curves in the front AND on the sides!
They don't show up too well in the pictures, they are ever so slight.
I had to cut a new bottom for the inside, but other than that, it was in pretty good shape.
Look! The detail on the legs is so pretty - and no broken pieces!
Did you notice that I DID NOT PAINT IT!!
Only gave it a good cleaning and a protective finish wax.
I only added the numbers to draw attention to the details!
I love it so much.....I MAY HAVE TO KEEP IT!!
Here's the next exciting projects I'll be working on!
Can you guess what it was?
If you guessed old record player cabinet - YOU'D BE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT!
Can you guess what I'm going to do with it??
If you said "turn it into a bar" - YOU'D BE RIGHT, AGAIN!
Since somebody already did half of the work on the inside, it's going to be a
I'm thinking turquoise with white chevron stripes and chrome - lots of chrome!
And then, I've got this carved wood buffet top........
Not quite sure how this will turn out, but it sure is purdy neat!

Lots of detail for me to play with!
I'll let you know how it turns out!
Animal print is going to be the fashion rage this fall!
I'll be right in style! It's ALWAYS my rage!
I know you're out there! I can see you!
Stay well, my friends!
Until next time......


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