Saturday, November 20, 2021

Holiday Bazaar - Glenwood Springs Community Center

The holiday season is upon us! 
You can always tell by the number of Holiday Craft
that start popping up all over the place 
every weekend in the Fall!
Tis the season to get that special gift 
for that special person, relative, friend, or co-worker!

For several years, I participated in Holiday Fairs. 
So, when I saw that the Glenwood Springs 
Community Center was going to have
their 1st Annual Holiday Bazaar

I decided to sign up and get into the Holiday spirit!

Most of you know that I do an eclectic array
of crafts! From repurposed and painted furniture,
recreating vintage finds, to upcycling
used wine corks into fancy necklaces 
and other fun useful items !

For this event I'm only going to 
have smaller items displayed in my space- 
easier to load up
less time to set up
more time to enjoy!

So, plan on stopping by the 
Glenwood Springs
Community Center 
1st Annual Bazaaar
  December 4 & 5th
10am - 4pm


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