Monday, August 9, 2021

Spicin' Things Up in the Bedroom

Now THAT got your attention!!

I decided I needed a change in my bedroom.
(In more ways  - but I digress!)
It was boring!
Since I'm a renter, I can't paint the walls 
or put in new flooring,
so I just replaced the Cottage White bedding 
with something more colorful  -
 floral/navy bed cover, solid navy skirt, and coordinating pillows.


I did some decor purging while I was at it. I got rid of some items
that were taking up too much space - I mean, how 
often did I sit on that wicker chair or the matching ottoman!

I've had this wicker set for several years, 
it's moved with me across the country many times!
Since moving here, I had it in my bedroom, mostly 
to hold pillows! The room is large, but
this took up a big corner of it!

So I replaced it with a recent project I completed.

This is how that project item looked BEFORE
(it was a project Vicky had re-done decades ago
and was recently going to throw it out! )😲



I removed the woven fabric strapping on the bottom
and replaced it with wood slats. I ordered some
navy/cream striped fabric baskets with lids for storage.

A quick redo for the small price of paint and storage baskets!
It'll be good for another couple of decades!

Little changes can make a BIG difference.


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