Thursday, December 20, 2012


It's here! The first REAL snow of the season came in with gusto! Lots of snow accompanied by high winds makes for nasty conditions - especially for those of us who have travel plans for the holidays! I'm hoping this winter storm moves outta here quickly, as I have a plane to catch tomorrow heading for CO - and MORE SNOW!!!!!

At least the snow has replaced the drab brown scenery with a coat of white! It's heavy and wet so it clings to everything, making it a winter wonderland! If the sun were shining, it would be even more spectacular!

Here's how it looked last night when it started snowing. Heh, heh, I just stuck my head out the door to snap a picture - hence the biggo plant pot in the way! 

Stay warm, my friends! 'Cuz Baby it's cold outside!

We need PEACE & LOVE now more than ever.

Saturday, December 15, 2012


We barely recover from hearing about one tragic shooting where multiple people were killed, when an even more horrific one is reported. The loss of life in Sandy Hook Elementary School is devastating and for those 20 innocent children it is unspeakable and heartbreaking............

Our hearts and prayers go out to them all.

Sunday, November 25, 2012


If I would stop finding more projects to work on, I'd be DONE! Not that I'm complaining - does it sound like I'm whining? - especially when earlier in the season I was having such a hard time finding anything!

Here's a quick little paint job that I just finished. A non-descript all wood kitchen cart on casters. Not even vintage!

Boring, Boring, Boring!
I had a vision for this cart - paint it up, make it look more aged (distressed) and I have a vintage wire basket that would fit perfectly on the middle shelf. I'm going to make a muslin liner for the basket for added interest!


Much better!
 The casters were spray painted with a hammered bronze to cover up the original shiney gold look.

The back panel kept popping out, so I glued it good, clamped it, and when it was dry, I applied caulking around the back interior joints to make it even sturdier. Then I painted the inside and re-attached the doors, which turned out to be more of a task than I anticipated when I removed them in the first place!

Using a 200 grit sandpaper, I lightly sanded the entire surface which gave it a 'peely-paint' kind of distressed look. I like the way it turned out. A coat of finishing paste wax leaves it with a smooth protective surface.

I don't have the wire basket liner made yet - saving doing that for a rainy day! When it's all done, I'll be sure to have photos of the completed ensemble!


Speaking of more finds.............. it must have been my lucky Sunday! While out on my walking exercise routine, I had just started out on my trek and came upon this standing along the curb...

  I caught a glimpse of it out the corner of my eye standing on the side street. I made a quick turn from the street I was on to get a better look! I didn't know if I should go run back home to get my truck or continue on and hope that no one else picked it up first! I decided to chance it and kept on walking - all the while thinking about what I could do to that piece, paint color - my mind was racing! This piece was BIG! Thoughts of -"Remember what you said about NEVER getting another thing too big to handle by yourself" -  kept running through my mind, too! The rest of my walk was alternating conversations-"yes, go for it" and "no, forget it and keep walking" So, by the time I got back home, I decided that if it was still there, I'd GO FOR IT! 

It was still there when I drove by! (sometimes you gotta be careful what you wish for!) I wanted to make sure it was there for the taking, so I went up to the front door to inquire. The woman I spoke with confirmed that it was, and also told me the history of this unusual item. It had been handmade years ago by a man she knew for his son, and then the woman's son had gotten it some time later. She was very gracious and helped me load it up into my truck. And now it's sitting in my garage - the same garage that I said I wanted cleared out by cold weather so I could get my truck inside! Yeah, well............. so much for that theory!

Later the same day, I was going out to run an errand and spied this cute little table on the curb right down the block from my house! What luck!!

I think my neighbor may have put it out on purpose for me to pick up! She's seen me caught me in the act picking up other things!  OKAY, I'VE GOT NO PRIDE! Anyhoo, I was very pleased to take it off her hands! THANKS, JEAN!
Great little accent table that just needs a little cleaning up and some new paint!

It's in good condition!

There's a lot of detail on this little table. Look at those gorgeous legs! It's going to be a fun project! I am invisioning multi-colors on this gem! I can hardly wait to get started! I've already given it a base coat. I'll post photos when it's all dolled up!

I love going for my daily walks! There are miles of beautiful trails all over this area that I sometimes take, but the route that's my favorite is the residential area between my place and downtown, where all the larger, older homes are located. It gives me a chance to observe the beautiful landscapes and gardens, house styles, paint colors and how people deocorate their front porches. I've incorporated similar ideas into my own on-going house and landscape projects. My walks are two-fold - exercise and creative thinking! I'm always on the lookout for new inventive ideas!

What's YOUR favorite type of exercise? Or are you a daydreamer like me?!!

"Dream on....
       dream until your dreams come true.    ~~Steven Tyler

Until we meet again.........


Sunday, November 18, 2012

JUNK JUBILEE Holiday Event


Yes, another junk event! I'll never get tired of going to them!


Chippy painted mantels, old maps, old window frames, rusty-crusty metal farm stuff, old advertising signs, lettering made out of rusted corrugated metal, peely painted furniture, old farmhouse gates, worn-out picket fences.............the list goes on and on!!!! I was in H-E-A-V-E-N!






What a perfect way to get into the Holiday Spirit! There were so many fun and interesting things to see, it was almost over-whelming! I got some fantastic ideas, though!! Can't wait to get started on some of them!

Hope you are getting into the HOLIDAY MOOD! There's only 37 MORE DAYS 'TIL CHRISTMAS!


Romantic Look of a Waterfall Vanity

Wouldn't it be nice to go back to an era of simplicity and romantic elegance - when men were 'dashing' and the ladies were 'ladies'? I always get that feeling of nostalgia - not that I was from that "era"! - but, especially when I find a beautiful vintage vanity as one of my project pieces. You know the ones - with the large round mirrors and the bench. Ah, I imagine it to be such a romantic time! Well, maybe not so much more romantic than any other era, but I think the furniture of that time speaks volumes about the lifestyle.

This is the waterfall vanity I found a while back - remember how it had stuff etched into the wood surface and was missing the middle drawer? It was not a pretty sight!

Graffitti scratched top and missing middle drawer.

This is my first project using the popular Annie Sloan Chalk Paint. Other blogger's glowing testimonies convinced me to give it a try! It's absolutely every bit as wonderful as they said it was! It applies so easily, and covers very well. I did two coats on this piece and then gave it a good distressing with the sander. I also got Annie Sloan's clear wax, which is fabulous, too! What else can I say.... I'm a believer!

The original drawer pulls were in great condition and only needed a little clean up and buffing!
In place of the lost drawer, I used some plywood to make a deep shelf. A perfect place for small items.

A smooth surface shows no more evidence of words and drawings that had been scratched into the top!

I had a chair that would work perfectly with this vanity so I gave it a paint job and new seat covering!

It used to look like this......!

See? They were meant for each other! I even had some fabric scraps leftover to make a matching pillow!

Take a minute, and picture yourself sitting at this vanity, looking at your reflection in the mirror and imagine crystal jars of powder, jeweled perfume decanters on a mirrored tray - taking a big fluffy powder puff softly across your face and reaching for that glittering par fum bottle and surrounding yourself in a cloud of delicious fragrance............ Don't you just feel beautiful!

 Take time to treat yourself to something special.....some "ME TIME"!
Pamper yourself - you deserve it!

Sweet Dreams!

Monday, November 5, 2012


Hey! Remember the song "Fresh" by Kool and the Gang? I know that's really dating myself, but it just popped into my head when I was trying to come up with a 'catchy' title for this post! Well, I'm not writing about a lady - I'm writing about a WHOLE GROUP of them!! Over the weekend, I attended "Get Fresh Girls' Weekend " in Lanesboro, MN. What an exciting and fun-filled time! Those girls in Lanesboro sure know how to put on an event!

A trip to Lanesboro is an absolute MUST!

Yep! That's right! Less than 800 people actually live in Lanesboro, and it's definitely a "playful city"!!

Now probably isn't the prettiest time to go, meaning this late fall season, but the town itself is beautiful any time of the year! You need to go!

I've wanted to take a trip to Lanesboro since I heard about it last Spring! There was always some excuse that kept me from going until I found out about the GetFresh Girls' Weekend! I HAD to go, no matter what!

Many of my inspirations come from JunkMarket Style ( ), of which I'm an avid follower. It features so many talented and creative people. The creator, Sue Whitney, is an amazing enterprising woman. She has become a huge contributor and inspiration to the ever-growing trend of vintage and junk fashion and decor! She recently opened a shop in Lanesboro, GetFresh Vintage, which features a few of the JunkMarket Style vendors.

GetFresh Vintage Shop

My favorite word!

Angel wings and petticoat in a rustic display.

Old hog farrowing crate (bet you're wondering how I know that!) turned into a cool planter!

Musicians in the window!
Debbie and Dean -  fabulous voice and keyboard duo playing everything Big Band to Blues!

Lanesboro is known as the "Bed & Breakfast Capital of Minnesota".

This is one of the many beautiful homes that are Bed & Breakfast's.

Another Bed & Breakfast Painted Lady!

They are all just gorgeous!
There are several unique and wonderful places to shop in Lanesboro. Upscale, trendy clothing, antiques galore, true local Amish-made products and much, much more. And I hit them ALL!! NO WALMART'S OR BIG BOX STORES HERE!!!!!!!! What a nice concept! And you know what? You don't even MISS NEED them!

Some of the unique shops.

You won't go hungry in this town, either! Whatever you are craving - it's there! So many fantastic restaurants from breakfast, lunch, to dinner - their mouth-watering menus made you hungry just reading them! I enjoyed a good old-fashioned all-you-can-eat Fish Fry put on by the local AmVets. Met some really nice folks there, too! Oh, and by the way.......NO FAST FOOD PLACES HERE!!!!!!!!! YAY!

I LOVE LANESBORO! (can you tell!)

Those who wander, aren't always lost.........they find the best places to go!

Happy Trails!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Well, it's just about time to bring this season to a close. I've got several projects left to work on, but I've decided to close the paint shop. It's getting to be too chilly to work in the garage, even with the heater going full blast! Kinda pointless when all the heat rises to the high ceiling and escapes through the gaps in the window and overhead door! What can I say - it's an OLD house! I'm a FAIR WEATHER kinda gal, who likes it comfy and cozy - well, at least WARM - in my workspace!

Barn Happy is having a HOLIDAY BARN SALE this coming weekend! These are a couple of things that I just completed and will add them to my space. I'd better get over there soon to FLUFF up my area!!

Plain-Jane solid wood cabinet with water stained top I got at a garage sale. Ho-hum!

The wood on the back was 1" thick with four holes chiseled through- for whatever reason!

I removed the back and sanded the heck out of the top so it could be re-stained. The inside shelves were in pretty good shape and all I did  was re-stain them. Then I painted the sides black, did a little distressing, and applied a clear finishing wax to the whole cabinet. I had a couple of old hymnal holders left in my stash, painted them black and attached them to each side. To top it off, I added 4 new casters to the bottom to make it easier to move around. It would make a great serving cart or movable island in the kitchen, don't you think!


Old hymnal holders attached to each side.

Perfect for a portable bar or kitchen island!

The other piece I've completed is a dainty little lamp table that I found at a recent garage sale. It needed some updating and a new shade to make it shine!

Okay, so imagine a plain light oak-stained wood lamp/table combination with bright brass lamp post and '70's looking bright brass decorative trim, that looked like handles, attached to the table. Can't you just imagine it? Totally in need of an update!

 Here's the AFTER photo!

I removed the gaudy shiney brass trim, painted the entire thing white, and distressed the wood.

I used a vintage lampshade that I had. Removed the old fabric and replaced it with torn strips of a white cotton sheet to give it a bit of whimsy!

Lit up!

I like the way the light shines through the openings. It gives it a softer glow!

Don't forget about the HOLIDAY BARN SALE! November 3rd! See you there!!

Thanks for stopping by!