Saturday, September 1, 2012


Are you like me - almost dreading the oncoming fall season? Yeah, it'll bring cooler temperatures, but it also means that before long winter will be upon us. Am I jumping too far ahead??? Just sayin' - I'd like to enjoy a few more weeks of summer before giving it up!

That being said ............... there is one good thing about this time of year! More flea markets and junky events!! YAY!  I've vowed to try to go to more some of them, since I didn't go to ANY last year!! GASP! I know! Can you believe it?? I found some goodies at the flea market I recently attended in Oronoco, MN along with other stuff from local garage sales. Here's how they turned out!

This vanity was minus the mirror, but it still had lots of potential.

Pretty in Pink! She's so flirty now! I love the color. It looks like pink cotton candy! I used a white-wash finish to tone down the pink and give her more of a 'frosted' glow.


Opps! No before photo, but this antique mirror had some major fracture in the frame, which I mended and painted her all up in a beautiful sky blue. A soft touch of distressing covered with a white-wash finish gave it more of a chalky, milk paint appearance. Very nice!

Here's a fun piece! An antique magazine holder turned mod! Marigold yellow - doesn't that sound better than just plain old yellow? It would look good in any decor!

Hmmm - I've got to start remembering to take before shots! Anyhoo...this previously non-descript coffee table has been transformed with a lot of white paint, distressing, and finishing paste wax, hand buffed to give it that soft, smooth sheen. Just like a baby's butt!! I added new drawer pulls to give it a much needed update.

Here's a shot of my space. It's still lookin' kinda bare, but I've got several projects now to work on so hopefully I can get it back in shape and filled with some new and exciting pieces in no time!

This is just one pile of stuff that I've got in the works!! Ha! You say! What can you possibly do with rusty old buckets?? Well, my doubting friends....just wait and you shall see!!

Enjoy your Labor Day weekend!


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