Friday, August 16, 2019

I brake for curbside finds!!

Usually, I have no plan when I find a project piece of furniture. I tend to create an image in my cluttered mind of how I want whatever I'm working on to look as I'm working on it! Sometimes I've got to re-think the process, walk away from it and work on something else until I figure out a solution! Here's an example:
How it all began:
This spring I was driving around on the town's annual 'Trash Days', (where residents can put out stuff they no longer want), just to see if there was anything of interest! I spotted a pile with a wicker chair down one of the side streets and decided to head up and check it out. The chair was in pretty good condition, so I stopped to pick it up and noticed this very tall cabinet laying on its side, partially covered by other items! It looked antique, and (at first glance) in fairly good condition! So, you know I had to think of  a way to load it up in my truck!!
I have to add to the story that I was on my way to work and not dressed for digging through trash piles, nor 'schlepping' big pieces of furniture around! it turned out, the homeowner had recognized me and came out of her house to see what I was doing! BUSTED!! After a good laugh, her husband came out and helped load it up! Plus, an added bonus...there were glass inset doors that went with the cabinet that they hadn't put out yet!! SCORE!!
The work begins:
I debated about painting the cabinet. The interior had been painted a glossy black, which is always difficult to cover over. The exterior had been painted at one time and painstakingly removed, but white paint still showed in the wood grain.

So I sanded the black interior and re-painted the entire piece Antique White!

After applying one coat of paint, I realized there were hardware issues - of course, there's ALWAYS some issues!! That had to be repaired before going any further!
The doors were on swivel hinges - antique swivel hinges! The bottom metal posts were still intact, but the top was missing the hardware, except for the metal plate embedded into the narrow wood frame! Easy-Peasy removal, right! NOT!! Those screws are so locked tight, I tried every method I knew, and even looked up on Google! Any suggestions would be appreciated!
I had to 'walk away' to re-think this situation!
So I started working on another project where I was going to apply a wallpaper backing and decided that I might as well do the tall cabinet as long as I had all the materials out and then I'd only have to clean up once!
I LOVE this print - the lightly distressed pattern makes it look old!
(the other project wallpaper is similar, but a different color - you'll see in a future post!)
I got the wallpapers as remnants at a local carpet/flooring store!
I'll get back to this work-in-progress in a couple of days.
I envision this cabinet to have that 'Farmhouse-look' when it's done!
Perfect for the décor trend that's very popular right now!
Until next time...enjoy the rest of these summer days!


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