Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Birds of a feather or feathers of a bird

I collect bird feathers that I find
 on the ground when I'm out walking. 
Is the myth true that found feathers 
could be a message from the other side? 
Possibly from someone very close to you 
that has passed on? To let you know 
they're thinking of you?
Or do I pick it up just because I noticed how
 beautiful and colorful it is.

Recently, when I was finishing up my daily walk with 
Shelby, I took a shortcut to the house through the yard, 
which I usually wouldn't do with a lot of 
snow covering the ground.
As I walked under the towering pine and cottonwood trees,
I noticed a very bright orange and black feather
 laying on the ground.

It had a very detailed design and pointed tip.
I wondered what kind of bird it could have come from. 
I then thought to myself, for some reason,
I was meant to come this way and see this feather! 

The next day I mentioned finding the feather to Vicky
and described how vivid and colorful it was.
The day after that, she took a walk about a quarter mile away
from the house along the snow covered golf cart path 
and came across a pile of bird feathers
that had the same colors as the one I found!

I think it's unusual to find a bunch of undamaged 
feathers like this. We couldn't determine
 what type of bird they were from
and tried to figure out how they ended up there
so far from the one that I found! 

I noticed one of the smaller feathers 
had a PERFECT HEART pattern on the tip

It's still a mystery - where - why - and what. 
I would love to know if anyone has ever seen feathers
like these and knows what bird or hawk
they could be from.

I gathered up all the feathers and decided that because 
there must be a reason or meaning behind both of us
 finding them so far apart, I had to do 
something special with them!

I matched up the different patterns, sizes, and colors
and arranged them in a rustic barnwood frame.
The next time you're out walking or
 hiking, look down around your surroundings.
You might be lucky enough find
a special message intended just for YOU!


Thursday, February 24, 2022

Trial and Error!

It just happens. Some projects don't go 
as smoothly or turn out like you planned! 
I'm sure many of you can relate!

I found a nice, upholstered bench at the 
thrift store, where I work part-time,
and thought it would be a perfect, quick project!

While going through a decor catalog that came in the mail,
I saw a photo of a bench that I wanted to use
as my 'Inspiration Piece'!
Multi-textured fabric covering is just
 the look I wanted for this project!

I didn't have what I wanted in my bin of fabric stash.
So, I was on the HUNT for the right fabric!
I searched online and found several options, but
one day while in Walmart, I found this rug!
This is what I bought!

It actually has the colors of a previous furniture project 
and I thought it might go well with this bench.

I knew that the rug would be BULKY to work with 
but I was DETERMINED to make it work!!

Now to the tricky part! I knew that it would be a difficult 
task - and I KNEW that you can't cut a rug like this 
to make it fit without PROBLEMS - but I did it! unraveled VERY QUICKLY!

I still wasn't willing to give up!

So I tediously re-tied EACH STRING to keep it 
from unraveling even more!

Even though I've already ruined the project, I decided
to continue to try and make it salvageable.
Remember...I was DETERMINED!!😏

It was certainly the most DIFFICULT and CHALLENGING
project I've done in a long time!
It didn't turn out as perfect as I had wanted - the 
color pattern isn't centered on the bench (since I lost several
inches with it unraveling).

I changed the paint color on the bench to a more suitable blue color.
This is how it turned out.
The blue is actually darker than the photo shows.
(I use my living room to work on projects 
when it's too cold in the garage and it's very bright!) 

I'll probably keep this bench for myself since it's 
'not so perfect'! It'll replace another piece that will go on my next sale!
Vintage coffee table re-created into a bench with fabric storage bins!

Now, on to my NEXT project!

Coming Soon! Watch for updates!


Saturday, November 20, 2021

Holiday Bazaar - Glenwood Springs Community Center

The holiday season is upon us! 
You can always tell by the number of Holiday Craft
that start popping up all over the place 
every weekend in the Fall!
Tis the season to get that special gift 
for that special person, relative, friend, or co-worker!

For several years, I participated in Holiday Fairs. 
So, when I saw that the Glenwood Springs 
Community Center was going to have
their 1st Annual Holiday Bazaar

I decided to sign up and get into the Holiday spirit!

Most of you know that I do an eclectic array
of crafts! From repurposed and painted furniture,
recreating vintage finds, to upcycling
used wine corks into fancy necklaces 
and other fun useful items !

For this event I'm only going to 
have smaller items displayed in my space- 
easier to load up
less time to set up
more time to enjoy!

So, plan on stopping by the 
Glenwood Springs
Community Center 
1st Annual Bazaaar
  December 4 & 5th
10am - 4pm


Monday, August 9, 2021

Spicin' Things Up in the Bedroom

Now THAT got your attention!!

I decided I needed a change in my bedroom.
(In more ways  - but I digress!)
It was boring!
Since I'm a renter, I can't paint the walls 
or put in new flooring,
so I just replaced the Cottage White bedding 
with something more colorful  -
 floral/navy bed cover, solid navy skirt, and coordinating pillows.


I did some decor purging while I was at it. I got rid of some items
that were taking up too much space - I mean, how 
often did I sit on that wicker chair or the matching ottoman!

I've had this wicker set for several years, 
it's moved with me across the country many times!
Since moving here, I had it in my bedroom, mostly 
to hold pillows! The room is large, but
this took up a big corner of it!

So I replaced it with a recent project I completed.

This is how that project item looked BEFORE
(it was a project Vicky had re-done decades ago
and was recently going to throw it out! )😲



I removed the woven fabric strapping on the bottom
and replaced it with wood slats. I ordered some
navy/cream striped fabric baskets with lids for storage.

A quick redo for the small price of paint and storage baskets!
It'll be good for another couple of decades!

Little changes can make a BIG difference.


Sunday, August 8, 2021

Fixer-Upper Obsession!

I'm an avid fan of HGTV 'fixer upper', DIY, shows!
You know, the ones that renovate, remodel, or
completely re-build derelict, un-inhabitable, 
rundown houses - and turn them into
totally new, upgraded, 
unbelievably gorgeous homes!
My mind is filled with house plans 
and decor designs!
 I'm obsessed! 

I've been a homeowner over the years. 
I loved the idea of turning it into a place 
that reflects me and my lifestyle!
Adding my personal items, changing colors,
  existing interiors, and my favorite thing, 
revamping and expanding the landscaping!
 After moving back to this area 5 years ago,
 I began looking at possible properties, but nothing 
really enticed me to commit to a purchase.
Then, COVID hit!! 
Everything has changed dramatically.
The housing market is beyond my price range
even if there was anything available!!
I still continue to look, though!

If I were so inclined to move to a different area,
there are 'dreamy' fixer-uppers out there -
Like this one! 

  • $69,000  
  • 4 Bed  
  • 1 Bath  
  • 3700 Sq Ft  
  • 1.3 Ac.

    Never judge a house by the exterior.
Heart pine floors, walls, ceilings, ornate trim,
 and exterior siding.  
This sturdy home has been partially renovated 
on the inside. All new electrical and plumbing 
has been completed within the past 2 years. 
This house has good bones! 

This house is located in Prosperity,
 a charming small town located 
halfway between 
Charlotte, NC and Charleston, SC.



Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Champagne Taste

Years ago I came across some really
 cool ideas re-using wine corks! 
Of all the items I've created 
with wine corks over the years,
my favorite is to combine used wine corks with 
broken/mismatched vintage jewelry pieces 
and turn them into unique and fun necklaces.

Here's a couple of my most recent ones...

And, if there's a most favorite of favorites...this one is it! 
I got this beautiful vintage embellished lace dress inset
as a gift years ago. For a long time, I tried to come up
with the perfect way to show it off.
 I think I finally accomplished it!

I not only create items with wine corks - I also use 
champagne corks to make unique and useful 
items. I started out making sparkly holiday 
ornaments using cut glass prisms from 
antique crystal chandeliers.

I recently acquired a big bag of 
champagne corks and wanted to come up
 with other creative ideas.
What goes better with champagne 
than hors d'oeuvres and cheese spreads -
and what better way to use a
champagne cork handle spreader!

Spring has arrived - Let's Celebrate!


Friday, January 1, 2021

Christmas Decoration Take Down!

When do you take down your Christmas decorations?
The day after Christmas?
New Year's Day?
Or do you procrastinate and prolong the inevitable
by taking them down a few at a time
so it's not quite so daunting and
leaving the decor looking so bare!

Holiday decorated trees are so festive!

Fun little displays of vintage and
 re-cycled found items add a bit of whim!

I've left my decorations up longer than before,
mainly because I've been home more 
to enjoy them!

Today, New Year's Day, seems like 
a good time to pack
it all up and start with a fresh new look!

Although, I can't make a lot of 
major changes, due to living in a rental property 
- like paint the kitchen cabinets (which I'd love to do!),
put down new flooring, or update the bathrooms!!

I can update some furniture pieces with paint, 
give it a refreshed look with new accessories, 
and move it around for a different look!

That's my project for this winter!

Bedrooms, first! 


I'll keep you posted with photos 
of the AFTER project!

May 2021 be a better year for us all!


Saturday, October 10, 2020

Fall Garden Cleaning and Planting Time

Ah, Fall...when the cooler temperatures of early mornings are quickly warmed up by the bright golden sun. The trees are turning into brilliant colors of yellows, oranges, and reds all around us. The blowing winds causing them to come fluttering down to cover the ground. Fall reminds us that change is a beautiful thing!

Just when you thought you could sit back and enjoy this new season, after the endless and exhausting Spring and Summer months of tending lawns and gardens, it's time to start Fall clearing out flower beds and vegetable gardens, pruning perennials, and planting new bulbs, trees, and shrubs to start the whole cycle all over again!!

Which season do you prefer to cut back and plant - Spring? Fall?

I actually like to be working outside on these beautiful Fall days. When the flowers have gone to seed and then cut back, the bushes get a good trim, and the garden vegetables have all been harvested, it's rewarding to see  the end result of all that hard labor! A clean slate that's already prepared for the next season. 

I do have a helper, though...
Shelby, (my Grand-dog), loves to be outside and seems eager to help

She's easily distracted

And likes to take breaks!

I should try to be more like her! 

Stay happy and well, my friends!